Designer’s Choice Mixed Bouquet


Let us create something special for you! We hand-selected a full bouquet of our freshest seasonal flowers and designed an arrangement perfect for any occasion. Send one today for a birthday, get well, anniversary, or just because—order today for next-day delivery.

New York

Standard – $15, delivery charge is free for orders over $50. For the same-day New York delivery service, please place your order before 2.00pm, Monday – Friday. For same-day New York delivery service on Saturdays, place before 10.00am.

Nationwide Delivery

Standard – $20. A next-day nationwide delivery service is available Tuesday – Saturday for orders placed by 2pm the previous day.

Each bouquet will arrive with flower care instructions. Please note, certain fragile products are available for a New York delivery only.

Due to the nature of our business, no refunds will be given after order is placed.

Lovely flowers
Woman Water African Violet

Care Instructions

Flowers Water
Change vase water every other day (add flower food to the new water if available). All stems should be submerged. If your flowers came in a basket or other container with foam, add fresh water every day.
Display your bouquet or flower arrangement in a cool, draft-free area. Avoid direct sunlight, which causes the flowers to die more quickly.
Immediately remove dead or wilting leaves and stems. Recut your flower and foliage stems just before putting them back into new water.