Beautiful Memories Collection


This exquisite assortment of seven handmade sympathy pieces featuring tranquil pink blossoms evokes a sense of calm and celebrates cherished memories with a feminine touch. Teleflora’s Beautiful Memories Collection encompasses six set elements: Beautiful Memories Casket Spray, Divine Serenity Casket Insert, Glorious Farewell Spray, Rose Garden Heart, Our Graceful Glory Bouquet, Heartfelt Farewell Bouquet, and Soft And Tender Bouquet.

Standard – $15 delivery charge.
For the same-day delivery service, please place your order before noon, Monday – Friday.

For same-day delivery service on Saturdays, place before 8.00 am. or give us a call to see if we have availability

No Nationwide Delivery at the moment.

Due to the nature of our business, no refunds will be given after order is placed.